Our Great Seal


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Much debate has been made over the past years challenging our founding fathers true intentions to form a “Christian Nation”. Discussion has arisen over our coinage & the phrase “In God we trust.” These topics & an insight to our main American symbol Our Great Seal speaks volumes as to our nations founding Christian principles! All of these topics & more are answered by Mr. Capt in a book he first wrote twenty three years ago: Our Great Seal…a book that every Christian American should read consider and discuss – the symbols of our Heritage and our Destiny. From two principles “patriotism & Christianity sprang our national constitutional laws freedom of speech and worship equality & fraternity. America has a Destiny & to fully understand this Destiny one must recognize that our nation & its amoral insignia were not evolved by chance. Our Founders planned well & wisely & were undoubtedly influenced to no small degree (whether they knew it or not) by the All-wise overruling Divine Providence. This book details the history of the Great Seal from its beginning on July 4 1776 – to its final approval by Congress on June 20 1782 following Charles Thomson’s report. Mr. Capt calls to our attention the significance of the devices on the Seal embodied in the report: “From Thomson’s ‘Remarks & Explanation’ it is clear that every device on the Great Seal (obverse and reverse) is symbolic in that it represents another thing. The book also includes a glossary of heraldic terms used in the description of the Great Seal that is most helpful in understanding the many devices that make up the Seal. A special chapter is devoted to the United States in Bible Prophecy where Mr. Capt quotes from chapters 18 42 43 and 49 of the book of Isaiah prophetic passages which he believes can most definitely be attributed to the USA. Another chapter deals with America’s Destiny in which he again goes to the Scriptures to express his belief that America is indeed found in Bible prophecy.