The Book of Jasher


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The Book of Jasher is referred to in the Bible in Joshua and Second Samuel.
The name Jasher in Hebrew means; the upright or correct record.
The most important value of this book is the large quantity of additional detail
it gives to various accounts in the Old Testament. For instance, the translator
states in his preface:

This book contains a more detailed account of the awful circumstances
attending the commencement of the flood, and of the conduct of Noah toward
the terrified multitude who had assembled about the ark, when the fatal
moment had arrived, and their doom was irrevocably fixed.

. . . Connected with this period of the history is given an account of Nimrod;
in which is strikingly depicted the arbitrary and violent character of his
conduct and government. . . .

. . . From this book we learn that Noah and Abraham were contemporaries.
How beautiful the contemplation of the meeting between these two Patriarchs,
the one being a monument of God’s mercy, the other having the promise of
the favor and grace of God, not only to himself, but to his seed after him.

. . . The history of Joseph has always been considered one of the most
admirable and interesting on record. . . . This history, in Jasher, enters
more into detail concerning the affairs of Pontiphars wife Zelicah;
Joseph; the pomp with which he was attended by Pharaohs chariots,
officers, and people, when he went up to meet his father; the affecting
scene which then took place, together with other remarkable incidents. . . .

Following the preface of this book are certificates
of endorsement from four noted religious scholars
of the day, their statements all dated in April 1840,
the year it was first published, each one giving his
endorsement to the correctness and reliability of
the translation.

288 Pages (paperback)